The Process

A Dialogue between East & West

His pur­pose as an artist is to observe, and wit­ness the many splendid facets of life, in par­tic­ular the Balinese cul­ture.

One of his gifts is his intu­ition, which prompts his deci­sion-making and guides him, step-by-step, to create time­less and mag­nif­i­cent works of art.

When the oppor­tu­nity arises, Haure will take many pho­tographs. When the models are relaxed; he pre­serves moments of inno­cence and beauty.

When Haure finally has an appro­priate image in his mind’s eye, the painting pro­cess of applying colour washes to the paper may begin.

“There is a sen­si­tive inter­re­la­tion­ship and bal­ance between myself and nature, which gen­er­ates indi­vidual out­comes. I care­fully pre­pare my working envi­ron­ment and let nature take con­trol.”

– Jean-Philippe Haure

Behind The Scenes

Latest Artworks

Ladies Light Ligne


The Red Earring


I Saw a Crowd


The Fighter


Dream Balance


Silent Distance

error: © Jean-Philippe Haure