In Search Of Grace
There are innumerable interpretations of Bali, a place where the past and the present often meet uneasily. The Island has long attracted a great diversity of artists. Figuration and abstraction, reality and dream have come alive through their work in myriad beguiling narratives that reveal a complex society.
Jean-Philippe Haure’s eternal quest for beauty
Jean-Philippe Haure follows his heart in the pursuit of elegance and visible perfection, manifesting pictures that stand alone.
Visual Art (Indonesian)
Visual Art, edisi bulan Mei-Juni 2012
Press: Jakarta Globe
Through painting, one French artist has
discovered a window into Balinese life
Un artiste français à Bali
Published in the journal of the Foreign Missions of Paris, No. 461 June 2011.
Melting barriers with art and soul.
Bali-based French artist Jean-Philippe Haure prays each day for a grateful life.